Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Craft Project & Happy Birthday

Once a week I do a craft project with my nephew and niece, while my niece was a little too young for this project my nephew was really into it.

It is my wife's birthday today and I thought a macaroni necklace would be a fun lacing and pattern project for him.

I let him pick out the dry noodles he wanted to use and he picked two colors of food coloring. My nephew picked 10 noodles and placed 5 into two separate zip lock bags. Then I poured a little rubbing alcohol into each bag and about 5 drops of food color. Make sure the noodles are covered in the rubbing alcohol and food color mixture. We let it sit about 15 minutes, the longer it sits, the darker the colors will be. I drained the liquid into the sink and placed the wet noodles on paper towels to dry. To make sure they were dry, we let them sit for 1 hour.

I then let my nephew pick out the string he wanted to use, out of everything I had (yarn, ribbon and string), and he picked a really nice ribbon.

So this is his final creation, a beautiful pink and purple necklace for his aunt's birthday.

And a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful wife.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Last Minute Father's Day Card Project

Father's Day is tomorrow and here is a unique way for the kids to make their dad, grandpa or any special man in their life a special card. I wanted to do something special with my niece and nephew for their dad. A card is nice, but i wanted something a little different. I made salt dough (the kids helped to mix the dough), and they made hand print impressions into the dough. We cooked it and waited about two hours for it to cool. I painted the entire thing white and then let the kids select a paint color to color the imprint of their hand. This is such a cool and unique gift for dad. Since the back of the hand print is flat, use a marker to write a special greeting to that special person from the child. If the child is too young to write, like my niece and nephew I let them color on paper and when they were done, I used the sheets they colored as wrapping paper for their greetings.

Great project to do with the kids today, and one that dad will love.

Finished painted project
Salt Dough Recipe

Heat oven to 225 Degrees

1. Make the salt dough recipe (recipe at bottom of this post). Mix the dough with your hands, it will not be sticky, just knead until smooth.

2. Roll the dough out on wax paper. With a heart cookie cutter cut out heart shapes. I let my niece and nephew make little imprints with their fingers, kids can also write their name in the dough with a toothpick. And then poke a hole near the top with a straw.

3. Place the hearts on a cookie sheet and place into the oven. They should cook for about 50-60 minutes. Once hard they are done.

4. Let cool for at least an hour. Kids can paint them, and even add some glitter if they want. After they have dried, tie a piece of ribbon or yarn through the top for a homemade Valentine's Day decoration.